How To Kill Monkey Grass With 3 Simpler Ways

Is monkey grass invading on your garden and lawn? Do you find it difficult in getting rid? Many homeowners share these concerns; you don’t have to worry anymore.

Ideally, there are ways that you can do to get rid of monkey grass from your landscape. And removing monkey grass at times can be difficult but not that impossible.


How To Kill Monkey Grass With 3 Simpler Ways#1.  Dig it up#2.  Contain it#3.  Call for backupConclusion

Hardly, no single way is best in removing monkey grass. Rather, you’ll need to apply a method that works best for you even in a particular circumstance. That said, here’re some ideas on ways to get rid of monkey grass.


#1.  Dig it up

Digging up monkey grass which is an ‘unwanted plant’ is one of the easiest ways of getting rid of monkey grass, but it may be time-consuming especially on commercial landscape.

First, you need to dig up clumps, and the surrounding soil as this will ensure you’ve to get out as much root system as you could. Once it’s dug up, check carefully for any stragglers.

After that, you can treat that area (along with some freshly cut roots) using Round-up as this chemical will prevent further growth of the grass. Keep in mind that this could take a bit more than a single application though depending on the missed roots.

#2.  Contain it

Alternatively, you can install a barrier on your backyard edging that will keep monkey grass roots under one control, hence minimizing its spread. Preferably these should be of 12 to 18 inches’ dip into the soil for best results. And this can best during summer growth or time of planting.

When combined with digging, you will have a better chance of getting rid of this intruders ‘monkey grass’. In simple terms, just after uprooting monkey grass clumps, cover up the area with some landscape fabric or plastic. As this will help suffocate some remaining rhizomes or roots in the backyard.

#3.  Call for backup

Lastly, when all else fails, I think it’s time to call a professional for help to get rid of monkey grass. Usually, professional gardeners or landscapers can do all dirty work, while putting their knowledge to work. They can also provide any additional tips that you may need once it has been removed, such as should any “jumpers” crop-up.


Knowing how to kill monkey grass is just a matter of choosing the method that works best with you and having patience. With vigilance and enough time, your monkey grass killing efforts will eventually pay off.

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