Best Weed Barrier (2025 Ultimate Gardening Guide)
A beautiful garden or lawn is a weed-free garden. Weeds take away most of the nutrient from the soil, and you end up with unhealthy grass, vegetables and flowers.
While you may think of gardening as this easy job that entails watering plants on the regular and adding fertilizer, it is not. Most weeds grow faster than your flowers, and this means that the maintenance of lawns and gardens is challenging.
For this reason, we have the best weed barrier reviews to help in the maintenance of the garden and lawn. As you ensure that the garden has enough fertilizer and an adequate supply of water, the weed barrier keeps the plants free from choking by nasty weeds.
Contrary to what you may think, weed barriers aren’t expensive. Having made a big investment in your garden, you wouldn’t mind making another small but smart investment on a weed barrier, would you?
Top 5 Best Weed Barrier Reviews 2017What is a weed barrier?Why a weed barrier?Top 5 Best Weed Barrier Reviews 2017#1 – DeWitt P5 Pro 5 – Effective weed barrier#2 – SCOTTS 25-Year Pro Fabric – Great price#3 – Premium 5oz Pro Garden Weed Barrier – Superior Weed Control/ Good Price#4 – Dewitt SBLT3300 Sunbelt Weed Barrier – UV Stabilized#5 – Easy Gardener Landscape Fabric – VersatileReviews and ComparisonWeed Barrier AccessoriesBuying Guide for Weed BarriersDurabilityMaterial and the environmentPermeabilityColorUV-resistanceInstallationHow to Install a Weed BarrierFinal Verdict
- What is a weed barrier?
- Why a weed barrier?
- Top 5 Best Weed Barrier Reviews 2017
- Reviews and Comparison
- Weed Barrier Accessories
- Buying Guide for Weed Barriers
- UV-resistance
- How to Install a Weed Barrier
- Final Verdict
What is a weed barrier?
A weed barrier is, as the name suggests a preventive layer for your plants against weeds.
Why not use a weed killer? Well, weed barriers are excellent replacements for chemical weed killers because the latter leech into the soil. The chemicals in the weed killers aren’t friendly to the microorganisms, and they also strip the soil of essentials nutrients. In turn, your plants suffer.
How does a weed barrier work? The barrier prevents air, the sun and water from reaching to the weeds. As a result, the weeds are undernourished, and they don’t develop. In short, a weed barrier kills off weeds by starving them their life source. The best part is that you don’t need chemicals which affect the integrity of your plants.
The best part is that the weed barrier costs less than a chemical week killer does. What’s more, it doesn’t affect the integrity of the soil, and you don’t have to buy nutrients to rehabilitate the soil later on.
Why a weed barrier?
Chemical weed killers are unsafe and not eco-friendly.
The weed barrier encourages plants to grow. It also keeps your plants and flowers vibrant because the plants can access nutrients, oxygen and water needed for their growth. Since the barrier is a permeable fabric, it will keep the soil moist and healthy. The barrier will also help you reduce the amount of water you use for your plants.
It prevents soil erosion. This is the case if your garden is on the hill. When it rains, the barrier will keep the soil from getting carried away.
It keeps of pests like mice from digging the garden. It will also keep your dog from digging your garden.
Unfortunately, finding a weed barrier fabric that delivers all these benefits is tricky. For that reason, you may want to check out these weed barrier reviews:
Our Rating
45 lbs
1.5 lbs
Premium 5oz Pro Garden Weed Barrier
5 lbs
Dewitt SBLT3300 Sunbelt Weed Barrier
22.6 lbs
Easy Gardener Landscape Fabric
1.45 lbs
Top 5 Best Weed Barrier Reviews 2017
#1 – DeWitt P5 Pro 5 – Effective weed barrier
When buying a weed barrier, functionality counts just as much as the durability. The problem is that you hardly find a weed barrier that meets these two conditions. As mentioned earlier, a weed barrier is a small but the smartest investments you will make and you may want to get this DeWitt P5 Pro 5 Weed Barrier Fabric.
This weed barrier is 5 ounces of woven needle-punch fabric making it one of the strongest and the most durable weed barriers on the market. The weaving of the DeWitt weed barrier makes it an ideal choice for a weed control fabric.
How does it prevent weeds?
This DeWitt P5 Pro 5 Weed Barrier Fabric is almost 100 percent opaque. Opaqueness means that no light from the sun reaches the weeds preventing photosynthesis and germination of weed seeds.
DeWitt P5 Pro 5 Weed Barrier Fabric (95) Amazon Now
Last update on 2020-03-19 at 19:19 PST – Details
How do you determine the right pH (level of hydrogen ions)? First, you should note that raising pH equals making the growing environment basic while lowering pH means making the hydroponic environment acidic. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14 and measures alkalinity and acidity. At 7, the Ph is neutral, above seven it is alkaline, and below 7, it is acidic. Plants flourish in the right acidic or basic environments. Incorrect level of hydrogen ions in the soil or the growth medium leads to sickly or stunted plant growth because the nutrients available aren’t absorbed as they should be.
It measures 5ft by 250ft, and with this weed barrier, you won’t have to buy any herbicides. The durability of the weed barrier further comes from the fact that the barrier has properties which prevent UV deterioration. And, that’s not the best part – Dewitt offers a five-year guarantee against UV deterioration. Therefore, you won’t have to replace the fabric within a few months.You will also like the fact that this weed barrier fabric has stripes located 12 inches apart. The stripes make for easy alignment of your plants in the garden making this the best weed barrier fabric.
You should, however, note that the DeWitt landscape fabric isn’t all cloth. It has some polypropylene responsible for enhancing the barrier’s durability. If you are looking for a wholesome fabric weed barrier, this isn’t the best choice.

What we like:
- It has a high-quality and a UV resistant design.
- It is thick, and the tight weaving makes it reliable.
- It works great and prevents weeds
- It covers a large ground
- It is tear resistant

What we don’t like:
- Weeds will grow if you place mulch on it
#2 – SCOTTS 25-Year Pro Fabric – Great price
Your flowers and the vegetables you just planted will thank you if they don’t have to compete for nutrients and the sun. The reason for this is that weeds tend to grow aggressively and the competition for nutrients, water and the sun works against your plants.
So, rather than encourage this unhealthy competition with pesky weeds, you may want to buy the SCOTTS 25-Year Pro Fabric. It comes at a great price, and you won’t break the bank buying the fabric.
It is an effective weed controller which works better than chemicals. The reason why we consider this a great investment is because it is affordable and it covers a large ground. It also eliminates the need for herbicides, insecticides and pesticides. Therefore, you will make a one-off purchase to save your plants.
Scotts 25-Year Pro Fabric, 3 by 150-Feet (353) Amazon Now
Last update on 2020-03-19 at 16:12 PST – Details
It has a heavy duty construction, and it will last long making this the best way you could ever spend your money. You can use it on walkways, retaining wall jobs and on the patio. You can use it on heavy hardscaping projects.
Besides weed control, this weed barrier also reduces soil erosion. As a result, you can use it if you have a garden on a slope. Prevention of soil erosion helps the soil retain its nutrients keeping plants healthy.
The only downside of this weed barrier is that the fabric lacks the weaving seen in DeWitt’s weed barrier. Its effectiveness diminishes when you look at the fabric’s weaving. Also, it doesn’t let through the water as fast and rain water pools.

What we like:
- It reduces soil erosion.
- It comes at a great price

What we don’t like:
- It isn’t durable, and deer feet will tear it. It also disintegrates fast.
- It’s not resistant to UV rays
#3 – Premium 5oz Pro Garden Weed Barrier – Superior Weed Control/ Good Price
This is one of the best weed barriers under mulch on the market. It promises to take care of all gardening needs by getting rid of weeds effortlessly and safely.
Its design makes this the ultimate weed barrier landscape fabric which offers superior weed protection. When you use this weed barrier, your garden’s productivity will increase, and you won’t have to spend as much time and money in the maintenance of the garden.
It is an excellent replacement for chemical weed killer. So, if you have been looking for an eco-friendly way to kill weeds, this is it.
Wondering how to install a landscape fabric? Well, the installation of this Premium 5oz Pro Garden Weed Barrier is easy. You don’t need to call in an expert to set it up. It is lightweight, and you can carry it and cut it up to protect your plants.
ECOgardener Premium 5oz Pro Garden Weed Barrier… (28) Amazon Now
Last update on 2020-03-19 at 22:18 PST – Details
Though it prevents weeds from flourishing, it doesn’t affect the growth of your vegetables, flowers or even grass. This landscape fabric lets in water and air conserving he soil’s value and the amount of water getting in. By allowing free entry of water and air, your plants will flourish because the roots get all the important nutrients.
Unlike many other landscape and gardening weed control fabrics on the market, this weed barrier is durable. It has a construction design that lasts. Therefore, this weed barrier will offer weed protection for many years. You won’t need to use any chemicals on your farm. If you are an organic farmer, that is the best thing you could ever get.
The weed protection and the soil preservation qualities of this weed barrier come from the combination of woven and non-woven fabrics. The fabric is a two-layered needle punched fabric.
There is nothing you will hate about this weed barrier and its functionality.

What we like:
- It doesn’t fray when cut
- It has a thickly woven construction design which makes it long lasting
- It of permeable to water and air enhancing growth of your plants while deterring weeds since they don’t get any light
- Great price for a high-quality weed barrier

What we don’t like:
- None except for slight shipment delays
#4 – Dewitt SBLT3300 Sunbelt Weed Barrier – UV Stabilized
The best weed barrier under rock or mulch prevents the growth of weeds by cutting out the weeds’ supply of sunlight and oxygen. This weed barrier by DeWitt is one of the most effective weed barriers on the market. It offers Sunbelt ground cover to your flowers, grass and vegetables.
This weed barrier lasts long thanks to its UV stabilization. It won’t disintegrate easily after a few years of use. While resistant to UV rays, it is permeable to water and the air killing weeds effectively. It is affordable, and it is an excellent alternative to herbicides.
You can use it in an outdoor garden and the greenhouse. You don’t have to worry about the effects of the sun within the first five years after purchase thanks to the five-year guarantee by DeWitt.
It is lightweight weighing 3.2 pounds, and it measures 3ft by 300ft. You don’t have to worry about the water not getting to the roots of the plants because the barrier allows easy flow of water.
Dewitt SBLT3300 Sunbelt Ground Cover Weed Barrier,… (57) Amazon Now
Last update on 2020-03-20 at 00:20 PST – Details
It is puncture resistant, and it’s also resistant to tearing thanks to the construction using black polypropylene. For easy alignment of the plants, you have the yellow strip placed after every 12 inches. As a result of these features, this is one of the best commercial-grade landscape fabrics on the market.
Unfortunately, this barrier tends to unravel when cut.

What we like:
- It is a heavy duty landscape fabric.
- It allows free entry of water and air.
- It offers UV protection.
- It is safe and eco-friendly.
- Installation is easy thanks to the yellow stripes places 12 inches apart.

What we don’t like:
- It unravels when cut.
- It won’t last forever
#5 – Easy Gardener Landscape Fabric – Versatile
Weed killers are effective, but since they are chemicals, they aren’t friendly to the environment. Weed killers are also expensive, and they affect the soil meaning that you have to look for alternative treatments to the soils after a few years. It works as a great commercial landscape fabric
But, instead of going down this road stripping the soil of its nutrients, you should consider the safe alternative – weed barrier fabric. The Easy Gardener Landscape Fabric is one of the best weed barriers on the market.
First, it comes with a 15-year guarantee of protection. Well, like every other human made product, it may not last that long but, it guarantees excellent weed protection for several years.
You can use it in permanent landscapes and in the garden too. It is semi permeable, and it allows air and water to get through to plants. It is lightweight and easy to setup. This weed barrier is a good landscape fabric under gravel.
Unfortunately, there are cases where weeds pore through the fabric.
Easy Gardener 21041MJ 3-Foot by 50-Foot 15 Year… (184) Amazon Now
Last update on 2020-03-19 at 15:07 PST – Details

What we like:
- Durable.
- It offers sun-protection.
- It comes at a great price

What we don’t like:
- Weeds pass through in some cases.
- It’s not 100 percent water permeable
Reviews and Comparison
Top 5 Of The Best Weed Barrier

Premium 5oz Pro Garden Weed Barrier
Dewitt SBLT3300 Sunbelt Weed Barrier
Easy Gardener Landscape Fabric
Charcoal gray
Plastic/woven textiles
Plastic/ woven textiles
5ft x 250ft
3ft x 150ft
3ft x 50ft
3ft x 300ft
3ft x 50ft
Get It
Weed Barrier Accessories
The 5 Star Collection 6-Inch Steel Landscape Fabric Pins
These are long and strong landscape fabric pins that simplify the installation of weed barriers. The pins are 11-gauge steel pins which are versatile, and you can use it to anchor almost everything that needs anchoring.
These pins rust fast growing into the soil. This increases their stripping power. They last long and preferable to plastic, galvanized and stainless steel staples.
They may not be the most attractive staples, but they get the work done.
GardenMate 50-Pack U-Shaped Garden Securing Pegs
To hold the weed barrier strongly on the ground, you will need pins and these pins by GardenMate are some of the best on the market. Thanks to galvanization, they are rust proof. They hold hoses and cables around the round head.
They have a trapezoid design to add tension in the soil. The bevelled endings make for quick and secure mounting to the ground. It has a heavy-duty construction, and it will last a long time.
100 Galvanized Steel Landscape Staples
To stop weeds from growing enhancing the growth of your veggies or flowers, get these landscape staples to hold the weed barrier down.
These staples feature angled pointed ends which make for quick installation of the weed barrier. They are 6 inches long and perfect for anchoring electric dog fences too. Galvanization makes theses staples rust resistant. That’s not all; you can trust the staples to hold weed barriers, bird netting or floating row covers in place against strong winds.
Buying Guide for Weed Barriers
While these weed barrier reviews highlight all the best weed barriers you may consider buying, we haven’t highlighted what to look for when buying weed barriers. Since weed barriers enhance the growth of plants by killing weeds in an eco-friendly fashion, while also reducing soil erosion and preserving the soil’s nutrients, you have to buy the best.
Here is what you should look for when buying a weed barrier:
You have to buy a weed barrier that will last more than one planting season or a year. You should step on the weed barrier without worrying about the fabric tearing.
Features that point towards durability include UV resistance and punctured weaving. Some of the best weed barriers feature the use of fabric and plastic making meaning that they will last longer. You may also want to consider a weed barrier that doesn’t fray when cut.
To know if the weed barrier is durable or not, check out user reviews to determine if the barrier will last as long as manufacturers claim they will.
Material and the environment
Will the weed barrier work in killing the weeds alone leaving out your vegetables, grass or flowers? The weed barrier should only kill weeds, and the construction material should be safe. You should, therefore, avoid weed barriers made of plastic entirely.
The fabric is preferable as a weed barrier because it inhibits weed growth better. Fabric also provides a thick barrier against sunlight preventing photosynthesis. However, it lets in air and moisture enhancing the growth of your plants while inhibiting growth weeds.
Fabrics made using synthetic geotextiles and laminates using a thin layer of black polyethylene material work more effectively compared to the use of herbicides.
Plastic is also effective because it creates a barrier against sunlight, water and oxygen. This suffocates weeds. The black color will also absorb sunlight which warms the soil and promotes the growth of your plants. Unfortunately, the weed barriers are expensive, especially the UV-resistant barriers.
Even with a barrier, your plants still need nutrients, air and water from the soil. While killing the weeds, the best weed barrier should allow for the entry of water and air. The roots need nourishing, and the barrier needs to be breathable.
All-plastic weed barriers are impermeable, and this means that they will stunt the growth of plants. A weed barrier stunts the growth of weeds, not your plants. Barriers made of plastic and fabrics are preferable.
Permeable weed barriers make it possible for you to irrigate your plants easily, but even in the presence of water, weeds will not pass through because they lack sunlight for photosynthesis.
Most weed barrier fabrics are black. The use of black weed barriers is prevalent and recommended thanks to the fact that black will darken the soil, blocking light and starving weeds of sunlight.
The sun breaks down weed barriers fast. If the barrier you bought lacks UV-resistant features, it will degrade within a few months or years forcing you to buy a new weed barrier expensively. You should always look out for weed barriers with some level of UV protection because these barriers will long. They are a little expensive but, they are worth the money.
Will it be easy to install the weed barrier in your garden? The best weed barriers come with markings showing spacing of the plants. These weed barriers make installation a good DIY project. The best part about the installation of weed barriers is that they are easy. All you need is a part of scissors to cut the fabric and pins or staples to hold it down. If you are wondering how to stop weeds from growing on rocks, you should install the best weed barrier.
How to Install a Weed Barrier
Installation of a weed barrier is one of the best ways to fight and banish weeds from your garden without using unsafe chemicals.
To install the weed barrier, you must remove all pre-existing weed from the garden. Cutting the weeds isn’t all that you should do, you should pull out the pre-existing weeds. A rake is important in this step as well as leveling the ground.
After getting the weed out and leveling the ground, lay down the weed barrier and use gardening staples to hold it down.
To determine the right side up, check the weed barrier’s user manual. Ensure that the barrier is secure and tight.
Using a knife cut out the position for growing your crops, fruits, and flowers. Scoop the soil and recover the plants once done. Finally, use the staples to secure the crops in place.

Final Verdict
Weed barriers aren’t just effective in weed prevention; they are also safe and environmentally friendly. A weed barrier is cheap, and since you will use it for years, it is a great investment or your garden.
In this review, the DeWitt P5 Pro 5 Weed Barrier Fabric is our best weed barrier. It is strong, and it is almost 100 percent opaque preventing photosynthesis and seed germination of weeds.
The barrier’s construction using 5 ounces of woven needle-punched material makes the DeWitt P5 Pro 5 Weed Barrier Fabric strong, durable and effective in weed control. It comes with a five-year guarantee against UV deterioration.