6 of The Worst Weeds to Watch out For in Your Garden

We are all aware that weeds are bad for our gardens, in fact, humans have found extreme ways to remove weeds. You may be aware of the recent Roundup lawsuit in which several people received compensation because their cancer was linked to the infamous weed killer. Yet, some common weeds such as field bindweed or dandelions are actually beautiful.

Even the definition of weeds is questionable. Weeds are plants that grow where they are not wanted. What may be considered a weed in one place by a particular person may not be considered a weed to someone else! Generally, weeds are plants that grow quickly. They spread fast, compete for sunlight and nutrients, and stop other plants from growing.

Plants such as chickweed and dandelions, which are generally viewed as weeds, will not cause any significant issues in your garden. Despite this, there are some weeds which you should watch out for in your garden.


Bermuda Grass

If any plant can be universally classified as a weed, it’s this one. Bermuda Grass actually releases chemicals in its roots which harm other plants. Furthermore, while you may be able to only see a small plant, its roots can be extensive. To remove this weed, you need to dig it up, by hand if possible. Ensuring you get all the weed while disturbing the soil as little as possible. Disturbing the soil can bring new weed seeds to the surface and encourage them to grow. You can learn more about dealing with Bermuda Grass here.

Johnson Grass

Johnson Grass can invade other plants quickly and stop them from growing. It can also produce prussic acid, which can be dangerous for animals if it is eaten in large quantities. It has been known to be toxic to livestock who show little sign of poisoning before it is too late.

Poison Ivy

Despite it having a great name, it can cause serious rashes even when dead. This is why you must deal with it very carefully. You should deal with the plant using gloves and then clean the gloves thoroughly before using them again. Any tools which you use should also be cleaned. Do not put Poison Ivy in your compost bin, dispose of it properly and put it into heavy-duty bin bags. Refrain from burning it as the fumes which can come off it from burning it can also be toxic.

Canada Thistle

This weed is prickly and painful if it crosses your path. They also produce lots of seeds, and so once they are grown, you are likely to get many more. What makes these plants particularly troublesome is that they are resistant to many herbicides.


Despite its beautiful appearance, the problem with bindweed it that it is fast It grows fast and has deep, wide roots. This means that once they start growing, they are hard to stop. They also fight for resources from other plants


 Another irritating plant. This plant develops big spiky balls which fall onto the floor and get stuck to you. They can get caught in dogs’ fur and be nasty if you step on one!

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